We understand there simply might not be community projects on MatchMyProject that your business is able to support. But you may still have excess capacity and resources to share.
To date, MatchMyProject (MMP) has been a ‘one way’ marketplace. In other words, businesses could only respond to requests for help from the local community.
We’re changing that today.
We’re enabling businesses to share their own resources, from refurbished laptops and volunteering time, to training resources.
We’ve been trialling this on another site and have seen enough to roll it out. Now the hundreds of organisations using MMP can benefit in the same way.
Of course, marketplaces don’t just spring into existence and manage themselves. There isn’t an invisible hand. (Who knew.)
At MatchMyProject, we’ve spent time setting up the ‘rules of the game’ – to create ‘safety’ on the platform, which means that everyone feels secure enough to make decisions based on their best interests, rather than try to game the system.
We’ll keep an eye on the data to ensure there are enough organisations in play to make the marketplaces thrive – not too many businesses and too few community organisations, or vice versa. And we’ll ensure there is sufficient time for matches to be made, accepted or rejected.
We’ll examine the data and introduce guard rails – in the shape of new product features – and then take them away as and when. All to ensure we have a balanced marketplace that creates advantages for everyone.
And just a reminder of what they are…
– Government contracting authorities see extra resources going directly to local community organisations
– Businesses know that the community organisations they are supporting are accredited, approved, and making a real difference in their communities
– Community organisations get the resources they need to help their people.
If you’d like to stay up to date with the latest from MatchMyProject, please get in touch.
Email: hello@matchmyproject.org
Newsletter: Sign up to our CEO’s micro blog
Website: https://matchmyproject.org
Telephone: 020 3488 6223